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Astro Info

Astro Info is an open-source astronomical ephemeris/almanac for PalmOS. It displays some basic information useful to star gazers, such as rise, trans and set times, coordinates, magnitude and phase information for Sun, Moon, the other 8 planets and stars. It also features a rotatable and zoomable map.


Astro Info requires at least PalmOS 3.0. It also works with PalmOS 5.0. The latest version also supports high-resolution displays of PalmOS 5 devices.

Where can I get it?

You can download it from the AstroInfo Download page. It is available in source or binary format.

Next Steps

You use Astro Info by installing it, configuring it, then selecting various functions from the menu. Nothing fancy, or hard to understand. There's even help for each menu option.

Installing General Options
Our Solar System Object Catalogs
Sky Map Other Timebases
Toggle Night Mode Implementation Secrets

SourceForge Project

Astro Info is released under the Gnu General Public License, and is managed using SourceForge. We're always looking for volunteers, so if you're curious, or if you'd like to help maintain Astro Info, check out our project page.

Contact Information

If you have a bug report, a feature request or a patch you should use the corresponding trakker at the project page. For other issues write to our mailing-list astroinfo-discuss at You should subscribe to the list, which allows you to post without manual approval.

If you are looking at a local copy go to to get the latest version of these pages.

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Last updated on Sat May 12, 2007. Copyright 2001-2007, The AstroInfo SourceForge Project. All trademarks on this page are trademarks of their respective owners. These web pages were created with htp.